Florence Gemignani
Florence Gemignani has been a partner at LBMB since 2003 and heads the Family Law and Wealth Management department.
She graduated in 1991 with a degree in EU law and private international law applied to the notarial profession from the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.
Florence Gemignani is also involved in organizing, managing and transferring both private and professional wealth assets.
She is active in the ongoing work of the Congress of French Notaries. She was Rapporteur of the second commission of the 102nd Congress of Notaries, which focused on vulnerable individuals and was held in Strasbourg in 2006, and Chairman of the fourth commission of the 106th Congress of Notaries held in Bordeaux in 2010 on the theme: “Couples, assets: the challenges of sharing one’s lives together”.
Florence Gemignani contributes to the group publication entitled “Les contentieux familiaux, droit interne, international et européen” published by LGDJ.
+33 (0) 1 45 72 94 14